Django 1.7 migrations

Django-fiber 1.0 supports Django 1.7. This means that it also uses the new Django 1.7 migrations.

  • The South migrations are removed. If you want to use the old South migrations, then read below.
  • There are no database changes between the previous version (0.13) and 1.0.

Migration from Django-fiber 0.13

  • You want to migrate from Django-fiber 0.13 to 1.0
  • You want to use Django 1.7

Good news! Your database is up-to-date. There are no new migrations.

You still should fake the new migrations. Also see upgrading from south.

python migrate --fake fiber

Migration from Django-fiber <= 0.12.2

  • You want to to migrate from Django-fiber <= 0.12.2 to 1.0
  • You want to use Django 1.7

You should first upgrade to Django-fiber 0.13:

pip install -U django-fiber==0.13

Do not yet update to Django 1.7.

Apply the migrations:

python migrate fiber

You can now upgrade to Django-fiber 1.0 and Django 1.7.

Other variations

If you want to keep using Django <= 1.6:

  • You want to migrate from Django-fiber 0.13 to 1.0.

You don’t have to do anything because your database is up-to-date.

  • You migrate from Django-fiber <= 0.12.2 to 1.0.

You should first upgrade to Django-fiber 0.13 and apply the South migrations.